Open a Dialogue with Time
Dialogue with Time is an interactive exhibition, the first of its kind in the world that deals with aging from an original perspective. The groundbreaking exhibition allows visitors a glimpse into the world of the elderly, starting from own dreams and wishes up to utopian views upon the world awaiting us as we get older.
Through experiential play, using latest technology, a creative intergenerational dialogue is produced, dispelling stereotypes and clichés of old age. The guides of this exhibition are aged 70 and above. They are the mediators and experts in all facets of aging and act as role models and are proof that old age is anything but what we expected it to be.
How does the exhibition work?
In the exhibition Dialogue with Time, the audience walks through different scenically designed rooms where senior citizens age 70 & over work as mediators. They stimulate discussions, explain the interactives and share their knowledge on the topic of aging.
Dialogue with Time has 6 stations, each offer a fresher perspective on old age:
- Prologue – Aging is a Natural Process
First atmospheric immersion into the topic supported by a strange sound where visitors can observe the changes a face goes through in the course of a long life - Dialogue Room 1 – Aging is a Personal Matter
Game-based interactive station with senior guides where visitors understand that each person ages differently - Yellow Room – The Diversity of Aging
A room where audience get an opportunity to experience age-related limitations which relate to the physical, sensory and intellectual challenges that can occur in old age - Pink Room – The Diversity of Aging
Video installations in which an older person tells a short story and his wisdom, experience & passions and set a positive impulse to experience & deal with old age - Dialogue Room 2 – The Future of Aging
A station where audience looks towards the future and explore the question how our environment must be shaped to address the demands of an aging society - Epilogue – It is Never Too Late
This epilogue completes the experience where the audiences learn interesting facts about age, aging and the elderly through a fun quiz.
What do I need?

- 400 m² installation - six separate stations
- Prologue: Aging is natural
- Dialogue 1: Aging is a personal case
- Experience 1: Yellow Saloon – The Diversity of Aging
- Experience 2: Pink Saloon – The Diversity of Aging
- Dialogue 2: The Future of Aging
- Epilogue: It is never too late
- 150 – 200m² lobby, including welcome area, washrooms, wardrobe (or lockers), technical room and staff rooms
As a team, you should calculate the following amount of staff for each open day:
- 1 manager responsible for the senior guides
- 8 senior guides
- 1 welcome host
- 1 ticket-sales agent*
- 1 booking and information agent*
- 1 cloakroom attendant (unless coats and belongings can be stored in lockers)*
- Maintenance and cleaning service*
* When »Dialogue with Time« is presented in a museum, less staff is required since many services already exist.
What is your idea? Contact us via info(at) or use our contact form! We will be happy to explore the opportunities for your location.
What are the project stages?

Usually, we calculate 6-9 months from the pre-project-phase to the opening of the actual exhibition. However, each project is individual and depends highly on the already existing aspects.
1. Pre-project
- We study your project
- We consult you on choosing a suitable venue/space
- We support you with documents and products for your fundraising campaign (if needed)
- We prepare the legal framework for a collaboration and partnership
- You evaluate your budget
- You find an adequate space for your exhibition
- You sign a “Letter of Intent” that allows exclusivity for 6 months to evaluate the feasibility of the project (optional)
- You define the duration of the project
- You sign a consultation & license agreement with us
2. Preparation
- We give you a “tour behind the scenes”
- We evaluate your location based on picture material or on-site visit if needed
- We provide you with detailed technical plans of the exhibition layout
- We consult your design and construction company on the set up of the exhibition
- We connect you with the local blind-organisation and/or the blind-community
- You visit one of our venues
- You define your project, taking into account the layout of your venue, your wishes and your constraints
- You adapt the details of the settings and rooms to the local culture
- You finalize your budget and business plan
- You select the companies which will build your exhibition and lobby area (if applicable)
- You define and select your local project team

4. Training
- We provide you with job-descriptions and support you with shortlisting the candidates
- Together with you, we select the most suitable candidates, based on our experience and knowledge
- We train the selected candidates and operational team via specialized training programmes on-site to become guides, welcome hosts, etc.
- You advertise open positions / jobs
- Together with our team, you select the final candidates
- You organize all logistics for the training period, test run, and (soft) opening
5. Opening
- We support you and your staff on-site during the (soft) opening phase
- We support you with documents regarding all operational routines of the exhibition
- You open your Dialogue exhibition, operate it, and create a more inclusive society for everyone in your city!
What is your benefit?
You will be recognised as a driver for social inclusion in your community and especially for the exchange between generations and a better future for all of us.
You will offer a unique experience to learn more about ourselves, our stereotypes and our future..
Dialogue with Time offers a wide range of additional offers for profit, such as workshop formats, birthday parties and family events.
You will lead a very diverse team and will be able to reach out to influence people (from media to politics).
You are a living example of a social entrepreneur who acts locally and is connected globally.
You will meet amazing people who dedicated their live to bring Dialogue wtih Time to their cities. Even as a non-profit, you will have more than profit.
SEE WHAT OUR OTHER PRODUCTS HAVE TO OFFERInterested and a lot of questions?
Send us a message or use our contact form.