Social Impact

Why do we do, what we do?
"Disability is not the impairment itself, but rather attitudes and environmental barriers that result in disability." UNICEF, 2012
"People with vision impairment are more likely than those without to experience higher rates of poverty and disadvantage." WHO, 2018
"Pervasive ageist stereotypes of older people as uniformly frail, burdensome and dependent are not supported by evidence and limit society’s ability to appreciate and release the potential human and social resources inherent in older populations." WHO, 2018
"Exclusion from communication (due to deafness) can have a significant impact on everyday life, causing feelings of loneliness, isolation, and frustration, particularly among older people with hearing loss." WHO, 2018
With our work, we strive for a world without social exclusion.
"Social exclusion [...] can lead to lower social standing, often accompanied by lower outcomes in terms of income, human capital endowments, access to employment and services, and voice in both national and local decision making.’" World Bank
Our programs:
• Dialogue in the Dark
• Dialogue in Silence
• Dialogue with Time
together with workshops and other programs we offer, address these relevant topics. They are catalysts of change with consistent impact across all cultures.
Our co-founders have been actively contributing to expanding the role of museums. Read more about their own view of museums' roles in spreading empathy in "Fostering Empathy Through Museums Anthology" (external link)
Are you curious to know details of DSE's working across the world?
We are very proud to share our DSE 10 Years Social Report 2009 - 2019 with you, showing the development of our work and reach out worldwide.
Regarding the last year you find more detailed information in our annual report:
View the Social Impact Report 2023Want to read more about our impact? How about checking out our Social Impact Report for 2022.
If you are interested in further details concerning the Dialogue in the Dark, Dialogue in Silence and Dialogue with Time exhibitions and workshops worldwide, please send us an e-mail to info(at), we would be happy to send you the social reports.