A life changing experience
Dialogue in the Dark is one of the world’s most exciting life-changing experiences where visitors are guided by blind guides in absolute darkness. You get the chance to experience daily environments from a completely new perspective, when you enjoy a walk in the park, take a boat cruise or visit a café in our specially designed darkened rooms. Daily routines become exciting and a reversal of role is created where sighted become blind and blind become sighted.
Why it is so special and fascinating?
Dialogue in the Dark pushes you out of the comfort zone orienting you to a world without pictures. The blind guides are master of this environment and hence provide the visitors with a sense of security. Since more than 34 years Dialogue in the Dark has been presented in more than 47 countries throughout Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia. Millions of visitors have been led through the exhibition by thousands of blind individuals, and learned to see in the darkness.

Why Darkness?




