
Some weeks ago, I virtually encountered once again with DiD facilitator Francis Zhang from Shanghai. As we at DiD strongly believe, we learn from encounters. Our conversation made me think about the new role of the DiD guides and facilitators in the post-Corona time.

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With the Covid-19 pandemic monopolizing the world's attention, one word came to be used several times: EMPATHY. Besides it, collaboration, solidarity, unity and many others also have a prominent place in newspaper articles and quotes. These words are the basis of Dialogue in the Dark for the past 30 years. You can better understand the interrelationship in the article.

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The crisis is an opportunity. We all know that phrase, but only in theory. Today we are trying to bring it to reality during this time of corona virus. I do not know if we are going to achieve it, because what is a fact is that the crisis brings out the best or the worst in us.

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For years, we have explained how Dialogue in the Dark is not a simulation of blindness but a contingency experiential exercise. Besides lack of eyesight, when our visitors go into the dark, they are confronted with their emotions, thoughts and behaviors when immersed in an uncertain unfamiliar situation.

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