First Dialogue Online Workshop in Mexico

Not only due to Corona, has the development of Online Workshops been in our focus in the last months.

Zoom screen of the Online Workshop showing 25 participants during an excercise.

Our Dialogue in the Dark partner in Monterrey Mexico has conducted its first online workshop for a company.

Last October 8th, in the frame of the international vision day, they conducted an online 1.5 hours session for Essilor Group, one of the world’s leaders in ophthalmic optics.

The workshop was especially designed for Essilor addressing the topic of visual health care. The title was “grateful for seeing”. 150 participants took part in a zoom session conducted by 3 DiD staff: 2 blind facilitators plus 1 sighted zoom host.

The workshop integrated interactive tools like mentimeter, Kahoot and zoom breakout groups. The exercises covered individual reflections, a gratitude meditation, and an inclusion exercise in small groups.

The core of the workshop was focused on raising gratitude for the eyesight and developing a sense of inclusion for those who cannot see.
Although this Dialogue Online Workshop cannot replicate darkness as in the in-person experiential workshops, blindfolds and cameras-off interactions were used in certain moments. The experiential focus remained thanks to a self-discovery learning design and the direct authentic encounter with the blind facilitators.

The spirit of the Dialogue Online Workshop is still under construction and defining its identity. However, events like this one are hopeful proofs of the possible continuation of the Dialogue experiences in the virtual world.